With the digital landscape continually evolving, we understand the importance of needing to be ahead of the pack. It’s not only new insights or research tools, but it’s the team working with you every step of the way that will get you to the finish line.

At Cadence Impressions, we understand that our clients want more than just an agency to run digital media campaigns. They want a coach that will help guide them with ongoing strategy, insights and recommendations that will reach their goals.

Cadence Impressions was established by the leadership team at twenty6two International as their digital division. We employ the same philosophies of being nimble, never saying no, and being a true partner to our clients. There are never any “set it and forget it” campaigns and every one of our clients receive dedicated, senior talent that oversees every aspect of your account.

Looking for traditional media? We can help with that too! See our capabilities at twenty6two!

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